
Bennion, M.R., Baker, F. and Burrell, J. (2022). An Unguided Web-Based Resilience Training Programme for NHS Keyworkers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Usability Study. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science. doi: 10.1007/s41347-021-00225-3. Link to Paper

Astell, A.J., Andrews, J.A., Bennion, M.R. and Clayton, D. (2021). Technology for Healthy Aging and Wellbeing: Co-producing Solutions. Frontiers in Psychology, [online] 12. doi: 10.3389/FPSYG.2021.745947. Link to Paper

Simmonds-Buckley, M., Bennion, M.R., Kellett, S., Millings, A., Hardy, G.E. and Moore, R.K. (2020). Acceptability and Effectiveness of NHS-Recommended e-Therapies for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress: Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(10), p.e17049. doi: 10.2196/17049. Link to Paper

Bennion, M.R., Hardy, G.E., Moore, R.K., Kellett, S. and Millings A. (2020). Usability, Acceptability, and Effectiveness of Web-Based Conversational Agents to Facilitate Problem Solving in Older Adults: Controlled Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5), p.e16794. doi: 10.2196/16794. Link to Paper

Bennion, M.R., Hardy, G.E., Moore, R.K., Kellett, S., Millings, A. e-Therapies in England for stress, anxiety or depression: how are apps developed? A survey of NHS e-therapy developers. BMJ Health & Care Informatics, 26(1), p.e100027. doi: 10.1136/bmjhci-2019-100027. Link to Paper

Easton, K., Potter, S., Bec, R., Bennion, M., Christensen, H., Grindell, C., Mirheidari, B., Weich, S., De Witte, L., Wolstenholme, D., & Hawley, M. S. (2019). A Virtual Agent to Support Individuals Living With Physical and Mental Comorbidities: Co-Design and Acceptability Testing. Journal of Medical Internet Research, [online] 21(5). doi: 10.2196/12996. Link to Paper

Bennion M.R. (2018). An Investigation Into E-therapies for Older Adults. White Rose eTheses Online. Link to Thesis

Bennion, M.R., Hardy, G., Moore, R.K., Millings, A. (2017). E-therapies in England for stress, anxiety or depression: what is being used in the NHS? A survey of mental health services. BMJ Open, [online] 7(1), p.e014844. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014844. Link to Paper


Bennion, M.R., Spencer, R., Moore, R.K., Kenyon, R. Digital capability, open-source use, and interoperability standards within the NHS in England: A survey of healthcare trusts. JMIR Preprints. 12/09/2024:66398. doi: 10.2196/preprints.66398. Link to Paper

Burrell, J. Baker, F. Bennion, M. A Resilience Training Web App for NHS Keyworkers: A Pilot Usability and Feasibility Study. JMIR Preprints. 22/07/2023:51101. doi: 10.2196/preprints.51101. Link to Paper.


2019: (Co-I) EPSRC NewMind Network (Stage 2): Building and Testing a Demonstrator System for the AI Empathy Agent. £30k.
With Fuschia Sirois (PI), Abi Millings (UOS), Ian Tucker (UEL), Rafaela Neiva Ganga (LJMU), Paul Radin (NHS).

2018: (Co-I) EPSRC NewMind Network (Stage 1): Developing an Artificial Intelligence Empathy Agent. £15k.
With Fuschia Sirois (PI), Abi Millings (UOS), Ian Tucker (UEL), Rafaela Neiva Ganga (LJMU), Paul Radin (NHS).

Media Articles

Bennion, M. (2018) Conversational agents for mental health appsNational Elf Service.

Chatbots could be used to deliver psychotherapy during Covid-19 and beyond, Health Tech Digital


Foley T, Woollard J The digital future of mental healthcare and its workforce: a report on a mental health stakeholder engagement to inform the Topol Review, Health Education England 2019. Link to Report

NHS England Digital Innovation and Adoption in Psychological Therapies Expert Reference Group


Burrell, J., Bennion, M.R., Baker, F. (2021). An Unguided Web-based Resilience Training Programme for NHS Keyworkers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Usability Study. [Virtual Poster]. MindTech 2021 Mental Health Technology Symposium, 2021, United Kingdom.

Sirois, F., Christensen, H., Tucker, I., Millings, A., Easton, K., Radin, P., Bennion, M. and Neiva, R. (2019). Developing and Testing an AI Empathy Agent. [Poster]. NewMind Plenary, 5 January 2019, Manchester, Manchester Conference Centre.

Bennion, M.R. (2016). An overview of the use of e-therapies by IAPT services within England. [Poster]. MindTech 2016 Mental Health Technology Symposium, 8th December 2016, London, Royal College of Physicians.

Bennion, M.R. (2016). Improving user interface design to promote older adult engagement in computerised therapies. The Kroto Research Inspiration, Sheffield, United Kingdom.  

Bennion, M.R. (2015). Affective computing to support good mental health in later life. CABOT presentation, Sheffield, United Kingdom.  

Presentations / Speaking

Improved Access to Psychological Therapies Forum, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2019.

Facilitating Digital Innovations for Mental Health Services, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2017. E-therapies in England: recent research into local applications and the national picture

Digital IAPT 2017, London, United Kingdom, 2017. Disrupting IAPT, Changing the Game: players, managers and supporters discuss

Healthy ageing within your reach. Shaping new technologies to support mental well-being for older people. Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2016.  Improving user interface features to promote engagement in e-therapies for older adults.

Connected Well-being Lab, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2016. From MYLO to TEA: Creating a Computerised Therapeutic Empathy Agent Chatbot Phase 1

Mental Well-being: Can technology help older people lead a healthier and happy life? Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2015. Can digital devices capable of reading emotion make the delivery of digital therapy more user-friendly and acceptable to older adults?


The Kroto Research Inspiration Poster Competition – Top 10 Runner Up

Doctoral Academy Viral Video Challenge 2016 – Most Viewed Video Winner